[mch2022-orga] Looking for a volunteer to make Lenny Faces

Janneke/Rizoom janneke at mch2022.org
Wed May 18 21:25:05 CEST 2022

Hi all,

team Deco has a fun project that  needs a volunteer!

At SHA2017 we had the Lenny Face:

photo by Barney Livingston 

Now we want more Lenny Faces. We have a budget for this awesome project, 
we can tell you where to get lights, and we already have the fences you 

Other than that, what faces you want to make is up to you. If you have a 
plan and the materials, this project can be assembled on the terrain 
(with the help of Angels).

Information can be found here:https://wiki.mch2022.org/LennyFace

Do you feel like you want to do this? Or do you know someone who this 
might be a nice small project for? Let me know!


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