[mch2022-orga] Dutch Hacker Camp name

Frederic Pasteleurs lists at askarel.be
Wed Dec 27 12:31:36 CET 2023

Fortunately, this can be scripted:


for i in {A..Z}; do
     for j in {A..Z}; do
	for k in {A..Z}; do
	    printf '%s%s%s\n' $i $j $k
done|sort|grep H| \
     # Filter out previous editions
     # Filter out nationalist/country codes references
     grep -vE 'BZH|BIH' | \
     # Filter out gender-loaded or sexually-loaded references
     grep -vE 'SHE|HER|HIM|HIS|HOE' | \
     # Filter out drugs references
     grep -vE 'GHB|THC'| \
     # Filter out derogatory terms (HIE="à chier"=shitty in french)
     grep -vE 'HIE'| \
     # Filter out brand/trademark names
     grep -vE 'DHL|HBM|THX|OVH|NHL|BHV|BSH' | \
     # Filter out diseases
     grep -vE 'HIV|VIH'

There are some cool combinations out there, and we have 1923 
permutations possible using above restrictions. Restrictions may need to 
be adjusted.

On 08/12/2023 11:05, suggestion--- via Orga wrote:
> Hi all,
> The quarterinial Dutch Hacker Camps have one big tradition: An ever 
> changing name with three letters plus the year! And right now, 
> suggestions are being collected at suggestions at mch2022.org 
> <mailto:suggestions at mch2022.org> for the 2025 edition! Some cool 
> suggestions already came in, but more are welcome.
> The naming followed a standard pattern: Three letters, one of them an H, 
> and with a abbreviation and/or explanation with link to hacker culture 
> or tech subjects.
> I'd love to see your suggestions,
> Boekenwuurm
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