[mch2022-orga] IFCAT Foundation: Seeking ANBI Status and Welcoming Your Feedback

Robert van den Breemen number3 at ifcat.org
Wed Aug 21 21:47:15 CEST 2024

Dear all,
I'm writing to share some exciting updates from the IFCAT Foundation board.
First of all, we have decided to pursue to obtain the ANBI status (Public Benefit Organization). ANBI is a special label, granted by the dutch tax organisation to not for profit charity organisations. This important step will enable us to more easily attract sponsor and donators as it implies tax breaks for them.

In line with this ambition to obtain the ANBI status, we have also developed a policy plan for the 2024-2027 period and a proposal to amend our foundation's objectives. We are very curious to receive your valuable feedback on these. Your input is extremely important to us, as you, as engaged members of the community, have a significant voice in the future of the IFCAT foundation. The documents are in Dutch for legal reasons.

You can find the policy plan and the proposal to amend the foundation's objectives in the linked documents [1-2] to this email. We look forward to receiving your feedback by September 2, 2024 at the latest.

Should you have any questions about these developments, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,
Robert (Secretary)
On behalf of the IFCAT foundation board

[1] Link to: Concept Beleidsplan IFCAT 2024-2027 (view only NextCloud: https://cloud.ifcat.org/index.php/s/Ez86s77bL4kQZgL)
[2] Link to: Voorstel nieuw doel Stichting IFCAT (https://cloud.ifcat.org/index.php/s/7iA5jE8wCFTQL85)
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