[why2025-orga] WHY2025 Terrain map explanation before the next meeting

Bart de Waal bart at tuduft.nl
Mon Dec 2 22:00:13 CET 2024

Hi all,

Team terrain has been getting a lot of questions about the map lately.

I will be doing a short explanation of how we are doing it this year, 
right before the next Orga meet.

19:30 - 20:00 on the jitsi, https://meet.hack42.nl/why-meet 

I will be covering:

  * How the data is stored
  * How you can access it
  * How you can edit your relevant layers
  * A basic tour of some of the qgis settings

We will also be providing exports, for example the pdf version here: 

If your team has special requirements let us know.

Kind Regards,

Bart / Uglyhack

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