[why2025-orga] Truth-finding w.r.t. Team:Badge conflict
Reinier / Pwuts @ WHY2025
why2025 at pwuts.nl
Wed Dec 4 14:06:35 CET 2024
Hello all,
I assume by now you're all aware of the conflict between PL, the Team:Badge
hardware lead, and others who have become involved, so I'll skip that
I think we can all agree that the current situation is bad for everyone.
>From both sides I hear sounds of hurt, but also wishful sounds for a better
outcome than what we have now.
Having talked to both sides, I see there is a significant difference in
context, both of facts and of perception of how everything went down. This
has contributed to the failure of attempts to talk it out.
Since I first heard about this situation yesterday I've been working to get
the full picture. Once finished, I hope it will help everyone - both those
involved and on the sidelines - to learn from this, and hopefully repair
some of the damage. I'm in a good position to do this because so far I
haven't really been involved or in the loop in the organization of WHY2025,
but I do *know* many of the people involved.
I'm getting support and cooperation from both PL and the group surrounding
Renze. This means a lot to me and gives me hope, and I will do my very best
not to let anyone down.
I won't be sharing any findings (or recommendations) publicly until after I
have finished my work and it's been discussed with the parties involved.
This will take at least until the end of the week(end) - which is still
optimistic - because I do have a life and a job.
In the meantime, I'd like to stress that - in general - drawing
conclusions/judgements based on partial information, assumptions, and
sympathy - while human - doesn't help anyone. Drawing conclusions should
happen based on the facts, of which only a small portion is available in
public channels right now, and even in private circles I have found it to
be fragmented to varying degrees. So while we're working to get all the
facts together and molded into a clear picture, please be patient and kind,
and keep down the speculation.
Best regards,
Reinier / Pwuts
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