[mch2022-orga] New name announcement and kickoff 6 April!
boekenwuurm at ifcat.org
Thu Mar 7 20:03:29 CET 2024
Hi all,
The moment we, the MCH2022 orga, have all been waiting* for is finally there: a new name has been chosen. Eighty-two suitable names were sent in, thank you all for that. After a discussion, the name
was selected:
WHY2025 for short.
The domain has been registered, a wiki is initialised at https://WHY2025.org and some of the socials are registered.
And this calls for a kickoff! The kickoff will take place 6 April at Bitlair. If you want to do anything for the organisation of WHY2025, you are welcome to be there and kickstart this next iteration!
Hope to see you there!
On behalf of Projectleiding WHY2025
- https://why2025.org
- https://chaos.social/@why2025camp
* Or let's face it, dreading
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