[why2025-orga] Message from On-site logistics

Manduca manduca at why2025.org
Wed Feb 12 20:35:05 CET 2025


As requested in the orga-meet, I'll send the requests I made there also 
to this list.

- Boels
Team-leads: please check the Boels order list for your team.

You can not edit the sheet your self. Send requests/changes/questions to 
logistics-leads at lists.why2025.org. I need amount, boels partnumber and 
description. To check what Boels can deliver, see https://www.boels.com/ 
or https://www.boelsparty.com.

I'll try to reserve what you need at Boels. Costs will be on your teams 

- On-site logistics
Let us (logistics at lists.why2025.org) know if you have specific logistics 
challenges (putting stuff on a tower, hoasting bridges or containers, 
moving heavy stuff into tents etc.). So we can make a rough planning and 
make sure we have all the needed equipment.

Teamlead Logistics WHY2025

Hacking logistics since 1997

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