[why2025-orga] Orga update :)

nancy at ifcat.org nancy at ifcat.org
Tue Jan 28 12:10:08 CET 2025

Hey dear people!

A couple of updates:

1. Tomorrow at 20.00 CET there'll be another online orga meet. Find the info here:


2. We are working very hard on the permits, if you have open questions from Team:Permit, please provide the information asked :) No permit = no event ;)

3. February 1&2; FOSDEM! A lot of WHY2025 Orga members will be at FOSDEM. www.fosdem.org https://www.fosdem.org/  We will bring plenty of posters, stickers and more, if you are there and need some promo material for your local community, please come and find us :D
We are at building K, level 2. 
If you want to help out at the stand, even if it's just a short while that would be great!

4. February 14-16 Hackerhotel presence.
Again, a bunch of people of the WHY orga will be at Hackerhotel.
During this event, we’ll be organizing small projects and Tiny Tasks where people can join in and make an immediate impact.
Can you help us out in preparing this?
Do you have an idea for a Tiny Task or a small project we can tackle for your team? Let us know!

Here are some examples to get you thinking:

Small improvements for the wiki or website
Creative ideas for promotion or visuals
Handy how-to guides for new volunteers or visitors
Or any other small tasks where an hour of work can make a big difference.
Post your ideas on our shared pad: https://pad.ifcat.org/WHYtinytasks

If you are visiting Hackerhotel, you could also consider helping out.
If you have an hour to spare, drop by the WHYroom, see what Tiny Tasks are available, and discover how you can contribute!

5. February 22 - In person org meet at Hack42 in Arnhem. Please sign up at the wiki when you are coming, so we can make sure we have enough food and drinks!


Thanks again for all your time and effort!

Nancy Beers - Team:Projectleiding
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