[mch2021-terrain] State of the terrain Aug27

Bart de Waal bart at tuduft.nl
Tue Aug 27 20:27:13 CEST 2024

Hi all,

As promised yesterday, I visited the terrain to have a look.

The "desert" area is divided in two by water. The whole south part was 

The north part was more selective. The mainstage area is still in bad 
state, and still has ribbons up. See picture. The rest is slightly 
better, but I wouldn't want to camp there with rain, it will stil turn 
to mud.

The white bridge was nearby, but it was moved from the spot we saw it at 

See wiki page here: https://wiki.why2025.org/Team:Terrain/Bridges

@Bookenwuurm, another "to ask" for your list is if we can keep the white 
bridge at the first spot.

I think the lounge can be used, but it will require someone to do some 
reasonable clearing and moving (I recommend a scythe and a shovel). I 
made a page here:


It was pleasant to be, even after a hot day. No nasty smells or anything 
like that.

Kind Regards,


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