[mch2021-terrain] Team:Family feedback on initial terrain layout

Florian Overkamp why2025 at flrn.eu
Thu Jul 18 21:54:42 CEST 2024

Hi guys,

We discussed draft 1 as presented by Terrain in the Orga meeting.

All in all, great first draft, and we can see you've already taken our 
needs in to account, thank you for that. Here are a few thoughts we'd 
like to share with you.

Thoughts on the current placing
* Noise level (esp. at night) is important, but maybe not the most 
important item on our wish list.
* We'd like to know how open or obfuscated the water around the field 
is, because that is where we see the biggest potential kid-risks (google 
maps photos are awfully out of date)
* Close to facilities looks great as it stands, but sanitary is well 
spread anyway.
* Camper situation unknown, but roadside access looks great. Folding 
tents would work for sure

Thoughts on swapping the noise gradient
* We'd be open to look at it. From a placing perspective a bit more in 
the middle would be awesome (forresty area north of heaven would be 
cool) but obviously that is going to be noisy from both sides, unavoidable.

Thoughts on the unallocated 'cyber' area
* Would probably be the best possible solution.
* Again, mostly depends on how visible or obfuscated the waters are

All in all we think maximizing the distance to obfuscated water is 
higher priority than noise gradient. We will need to take setting up 
some fencing into account if bodies of water are not visible enough or 
if they are really close.

Thanks, and we'd be happy to discuss if you have additional questions or 

Best regards,

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