[mch2021-terrain] Meeting Wednesday

Ruud Koolen redlizard at redlizard.nl
Mon Jul 29 20:49:34 CEST 2024

Hi team,

On paper, there was supposed to be a meeting today. In practice, I totally 
forgot to put all our meetings on the team wiki page and therefore into 
people's agendas; so predictably, the only people who remembered are the 
people who were on site yesterday.

I cannot blame anyone for this but myself. Meetings that are not in an agenda 
do not exist, after all. I said I would put the outcome of the kickoff 
meeting in written form, and then I didn't. Sorry about that.

I have remedied this problem by putting all our future meetings on the team 
wiki page, where it belongs: https://wiki.why2025.org/Team:Terrain#Meetings . 
Save the date, import iCal files into agendas, etc. The planned meetings to 
as far as January for now; the whole-orga jitsi meetings switch to a 
different schedule from then on, and our own schedule will have to move 
alongside it. We can decide around that time what a good schedule will be for 
the remaining six months.

We decided to give today's meeting another go in two days, Wednesday 
2024-07-31 at 20:00. There is a good amount to discuss, so many thanks to 
everyone who can make it on that day.

Hope to see you then,
-- Ruud

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