[mch2021-terrain] placement of fences

Gina Muuss chaos at updownup.de
Thu Nov 21 23:38:04 CET 2024

Hi Dave,

Since today, there is an even newer update, you can find it here: 

We have not requested an offerte for the fences yet.
There are 4 types of fence that we are currently planning and they are 
now also coded on the corresponding map.
(Note that this assignment is not final, but it can be used as an 
We have 1 existing fence, that well, exists.
We have one gate, for the main entrance, it might also be possible to 
drive through this from the west, but maybe only during buildup, the 
logistics routes are not final yet.
We have some dranghekken and some bouwhekken; the bouwhekken are for 
safety critical fences and the perimeter of the field and the 
dranghekken are for the rest.
There is also the familiy village fence, which is just so no one will 
fall in the water; we are not yet sure what exactly that will be.
If there are specific requirements from the permits please let us know, 
then we can certainly change stuff around!

I hope this helps! Once we know more, I will let you know.

On 11/20/24 6:52 PM, Dave Borghuis wrote:
> Hi Gina/team terrain,
>> you can find a tentative version of the plan for the fences here 
>> https://cloud.ifcat.org/index.php/s/d6fkPobNBaLBKZR .
> Saw that there was already a update, will use that one.
>> I hope this helps, let us know if you need anything else.
> On more question,  can you indicate what kind of fences you are going 
> to use? If you already have requested a offerte I could take that data.
> Regards,
> Dave

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