[mch2021-terrain] Location 3 Bars

k4t0 at why2025.org k4t0 at why2025.org
Wed Nov 27 20:11:40 CET 2024

Hi Team Terrain,

on the terrain plan I recieved I noticed that the 3 bars are rather randomly placed. 

Please place the bars at a logical place:
1 Main Stage bar - facing the stage, not (partly) behind it: this promotes the sales for the bar.
2 FoudCourt bar - in/next to the food-court: we share cooling-containers and logistic area with food-court. 
3 Arcade/Karaoke bar - next to Arcade: this promotes the sales for the bar. It was an excellent combi at MCH

Can you please confirm that the bars will be placed there? 

Thank you!

Teamlead Bar and Food-Court
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