[why2025-terrain] PostGIS Access for Team POC

Gina Muuss gina at why2025.org
Mon Feb 17 22:53:51 CET 2025

Hi Twi!

Please excuse the delay in responding!
You can find the qgis file here: 
Your team credentials for the database are poc : 
jg30j349toifelsekf2oewmojfl .
We have a short intro to QGIS setup for our specifics here 
https://wiki.why2025.org/Team:Terrain/QGIS_Intro .

Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help or any 
questions arise!


On 1/18/25 6:45 PM, Twi via Terrain wrote:
> Hi Team Terrain,
> we would like to request access to your PostGIS database.
> Could you provide us with database credentials / QGIS config and a 
> schema for Team POC? :)
> Best regards
> Twi
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