[why2025-terrain] [Ticket-entrance] Positioning Ticket and Entrance

Martin GROSS martin at pc-coholic.de
Wed Feb 19 13:58:13 CET 2025

Hi Gina!

After everyone has checked their name on the (virtual) attendance sheet, we will indeed meet tomorrow at 19:15 at https://meet.hack42.nl/why-meet

See you tomorrow :)


From: Gina Muuss <gina at why2025.org>
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2025 22:39
To: Martin Gross
Cc: ticket-entrance at lists.why2025.org; terrain at lists.why2025.org
Subject: Re: [Ticket-entrance] Positioning Ticket and Entrance

Hi Martin,

I have time there for about fifteen minutes, maybe half an hour, but I think that should be enough, and I would love to join then :D


On 2/17/25 4:29 PM, Martin Gross wrote:
> Hi Gina,
> We'll probably have a meeting with Boekenwuurm about this topic this Thursday at 19:15 - we're still waiting on confirmation for that date/time...
> You can add a reminder for that date and time to your calendar - I'll reconfirm with you once I've gotten the thumbs up from Boekenwuurm :-)
> Best regards,
> Martin
> Am Do., 13. Feb. 2025 um 22:40 Uhr schrieb Gina Muuss via Ticket-entrance <ticket-entrance at lists.why2025.org>:
>> Dear Team:Ticket and Entrance,
>> Since the municipality has announced that all our traffic has to run through the round-about on the northern side of the terrain, we need to reconsider some of the traffic planning. 
>> This has an influence on the positioning of the Ticket and Entrance zone between parking and the main terrain and I would love to discuss this with someone from your team.
>> You are also allowed that you don't care, then Team:Terrain will do sensible things :D
>> If you are present at the physical meet we can discuss then, otherwise please let me know when an online meeting would suit you. :D
>> Best,
>> Gina
>> -- 
>> Ticket-entrance mailing list
>> Ticket-entrance at lists.why2025.org
>> https://lists.why2025.org/mailman/listinfo/ticket-entrance

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