[why2025-terrain] Meeting terrain x villages

Piiindakaas - Marieke piiindakaas at why2025.org
Fri Feb 21 14:23:42 CET 2025


Boekenwuurm & I would love to schedule a meeting with team terrain & villages (not everyone has to be present, 1 member of each team will be sufficient). To goal of this meeting is to discuss al questions both teams have and possible scenarios. We know the map isn't finished yet, but there are some questions and concerns so it would be great to discuss those.

I've set up a datumprikker, please fill in available dates. 



**Piiindakaas / Marieke**
Team: projectleiding
Phone: +31 6 83 19 09 95
Signal: Piiindakaas.01
piiindakaas at why2025.org
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