[why2025-terrain] Accessibility for the Terrain Planning

Gina Muuss gina at why2025.org
Thu Jan 9 13:57:59 CET 2025

Dear Simon,

I hope you are doing OK now! This is also not that time critical, so if 
a later time suites you better we can certainly delay our meeting.

Otherwise: This week is tight for me, but next week all evenings work 
for me starting at 7 p.m..
You can just pick whatever works best for you. :D


On 1/8/25 5:56 PM, Simon Hawthorn wrote:
> Hello Gina,
> Sorry I have only just replied, I had a long rest over the Christmas due to some family bereavement and  little bit of work burnout. But am back now.
> It would be great to have a talk soon and understand both what youare doing and how I can support you and the team, what we can consider together and how we can make this the best event ever!
> I have a mixture of weekday evenings free in the coming two weeks, when would be a good time?
> Cheerio,
> Simon
> On Thursday, December 19th, 2024 at 10:28 PM, Gina Muuss<gina at why2025.org> wrote:
>> Hi Simon!
>> I hope you are well :D
>> Team:Terrain is currently mainly busy with the Terrain layout, but we
>> are already thinking of everything else that needs to be done.
>> So we wanted to reach out to ask whether there are things that you think
>> we should talk about?
>> Let us know if there are things we need to talk about so we can schedule
>> a meeting for next year!
>> Best,
>> Gina
>> Team:Terrain
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