[why2025-terrain] Plates and fences for parking areas
Gina Muuss
gina at why2025.org
Wed Jan 29 23:28:57 CET 2025
Dear konmei,
We actually have an open to-do to contact team:parking about what
roadplates you need, so thanks for resolving that for us :D
Your assumption is now correct, in the sense that we will plan for the
plates on your list.
I think once you have a layout for the parking (somewhat) finished we
should have a meeting to calculate the actual needed numbers for there,
but until then I think the information you gave us is sufficient.
For the fences: You can see all fences we are currently planning with in
the online map <https://map.updownup.de> (the red lines).
If you have QGIS access you can also see more details about the fences
and for the luggage areas we have not planned them yet.
What type of fences were you thinking of there bouwhekken or dranghekken?
And what fences do you need on the parking area, except the one serving
as terrain border?
On 1/29/25 10:21 PM, konmei wrote:
> Dear team:terrain,
> as our teamlead unfortunately had to resign due to personal reasons, I
> would like to check a few assumptions with you.
> So far, we assumed, that the plates for
> a) the parking area (parking aisles, VIP parking etc.)
> b) unloading spots near the roads (so that village cars are not
> blocking the main road during unloading their stuff)
> c) drop-off points of bagage (shared for luggage "delivered" from
> parking area and also for villages offloading their cars)
> and also fences for
> a) parking area
> b) luggage areas on the terrain
> are planned, calculated and ordered via your team?
> Is that assumption correct? If it would help we could also have a call
> next week? Thanks a lot for your feedback!
> Best regards,
> konmei
> for team:parking
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