[Bar] Fwd: Want radios? [Ticket#42162]

k4t0 at why2025.org k4t0 at why2025.org
Sun Dec 8 16:55:41 CET 2024

Hi XesXen,

thank you for your quick reply.
Yes the mail does not have the bar mailing list in cc, but they speak of earlier sent emails that unfortunately did not reach me. Those are the 2 mails on your record. 
How can these/future mails reach me/our team? 
Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

"Xesxen via Team:Sysadmin" <sysadmin at why2025.org> schreef op 8 december 2024 om 00:18:

> Hey Kato,
> The mail you're quoting below doesn't have the bar mailing list in the CC, are you referring to a different mail?
> To date we have two mails on record for that list, see https://lists.why2025.org/pipermail/bar/. Our mail records also only show two mails with bar at lists.why2025.org as the recipient in the past ~month of logging we have available.
> If you're speaking of a different mail that was lost: can you let me know the date and approx time this was sent and who sent it? I'll take a more focused look at the logs to see if we can resolve why you're missing mails.
> Best regards,
> Xesxen
> WHY2025 Team:Sysadmin
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