[Bar] [why2025-orga] Gators

Alex van Denzel alex.van.denzel at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 22:01:22 CET 2024


Our experience at SHA and MCH tells us we have to do multiple runs per day
to and from the satellite bars to the main storage. Using a golfkart from
the pool wasn't feasible. Also, we'd rather use an electric vehicle because
we also have to use it until late in the evening when a gator would be too

Regarding buildup and teardown, I guess we can go with having the golfcart
the last 2 days of buildup and the first day of teardown. If we suddenly
need more, we can use a pool vehicle, or a car and trailer (depending on
the quality of the terrain).

Would this be acceptable?


On Mon, 30 Dec 2024, 20:50 Boekenwuurm, <boekenwuurm at why2025.org> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Thank you!
> From which day on do you want to use the vehicle? I assume the bars will
> not be functioning from day -8 till day +8?
> I don't know yet if it will be golf charts of gators, there is as far as I
> know no team they realy need one or the other.
> And do you plan to use the vehicle continuously, or in daily supply runs
> during the event?
> Kind regards,
> Boekenwuurm/Christel
> On Sun, 2024-12-29 at 00:47 +0100, Alex van Denzel wrote:
> Mogguh,
> We (Team:Bar) need 1 (one) golfcart for buildup, event and teardown. Gator
> (petrol/diesel) is not necessary, an electric golfcart will do nicely.
> Thanks
> --
> Alex "denz" van Denzel/Team:Bar
> On Sat, 28 Dec 2024, 20:26 Juerd Waalboer, <juerd at tnx.nl> wrote:
> Bas Oort skribis 2024-12-28 20:04 (+0100):
> >Waste heeft 2 gators met aanhangwagen heel opbouw, event en teardown
> nodig.
> Honestly, I don't get it. How have we been able to survive the previous
> camps if this is really necessary?
> 3 golf carts at HAR 2009 was definitely not enough, and sure, 10 at
> SHA2017 was tight too, especially during the switchover from buildup to
> event mode, but 20 sounds unlikely to be necessary, as does 2 for any team
> (except highly specialized vehicles).
> These things are crazy expensive, destroy the terrain, and are major
> obstacles when parked. Of course we can't do without them, but I think
> every effort should be made to reduce the number of motor vehicles needed,
> and for the ones we really need to have, how much they're used.
> I think many teams are ordering these out of convenience, not necessity.
> And while I totally get that, I can't see how that would be sustainable.
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