[Family] collective food

Stef Louwers stef at steflouwers.nl
Fri Jan 17 17:40:04 CET 2025

Hi bengoshi,

There have been hints in this direction, and I personally like the idea 
as well. Carmen / EsteVarda also mailed a few days ago about making food 
with kids, although that was more snack focused, and made a project 

I am not familiar with the German camp, how was the kitchen organized there?

Feel free to add a project on the wiki 
<https://wiki.why2025.org/Team:Family>, and fill in as much information 
as possible, and if possible, join us on one of the planned meetings to 
discuss it further. The next one is on 2025-02-11 


Stef Louwers / fhp

Op 15-01-2025 om 11:55 p.m. schreef bengoshi:
> Hi all,
> are there any people in the family village who plan a collective food 
> and cooking for families like in the camp?
> Thanks and greetings
> bengoshi
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