[sha2017-orga] Finances close

Attilla de Groot attilla at sha2017.org
Sun Aug 13 21:29:02 CEST 2017

Hi All,

We’re trying to close all the finance stuff this quarter (VAT reasons). Most people have already sent in any outstanding expenses / invoices (most have already been paid). However, if you still have something laying around, please send them asap (preferably this week).

If you don’t know the procedure, you can find it here:
https://orga.sha2017.org/index.php/Team:Finance/Procedures (Please combine everything as one pdf, otherwise I’ll have to do that for you)

As said in the procedures, we need to have an expense within 30 days. We’ve been relaxed about this, but we can’t accept any expenses that come in after September 15th!

— Attilla

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