[sha2017-orga] ?==?utf-8?q? Gratis meuk voor Nederlandse hackerspaces

boekenwuurm boekenwuurm at sha2017.org
Mon Aug 14 16:37:51 CEST 2017

Hi all,

Janneke is right, after talking with a lot of people, I've started working on a new hackerspace in Eindhoven. The working name is L-space Eindhoven, and I want to invite everybody who is intrested to contact me (boekenwuurm at boekenwuurm.nl) to see what we can do together!

kind regards,
Christel / Boekenwuurm

On Monday, August 14, 2017 16:13 CEST, Janneke van den Brand <janneke.vandenbrand at gmail.com> wrote:
 Hi all, Just a suggestion here. I heard some talk about a new hackerspace for Eindhoven. This idea has been talked about a few times during SHA2017, and I know Boekenwuurm was thinking about making serious work of this. The stuff that has been left over from SHA might make an excellent starter kit/kick start for a new hackerspace and it might also be a nice way to help this project along as a community. Has this been considered? Just putting the idea out there. :) Janneke/Rizoom  Op 14 aug. 2017 13:06 schreef "Dimitri Modderman" <dimitri.modderman at gmail.com>:Wise words spoken by Polyfloyd. Finally a color laserprinter in Bitlair. It will match the lights on the ceiling well :-)  Kind regards Dimitri  On 14 Aug 2017 10:35, "polyfloyd" <floyd at polyfloyd.net> wrote:On 08/14/2017 09:54 AM, Juerd Waalboer wrote:Dimitri Modderman skribis 2017-08-14  9:50 (+0200):If the cordless circular saw is still unspoken for can we have that one for
Bitlair please? The PRNG has decided the saws go to Bitlair.

But only if you'll also take a color laser printer.
That does not seem like an issue to me. We'll happily use it to replace our current monochrome inkjet after all these years.
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