[sha2017-orga] Hackerspaces in Eindhoven (was: Re: Gratis meuk voor Nederlandse hackerspaces)
Tom Geelen
tomg at stack.nl
Mon Aug 14 20:56:09 CEST 2017
On 14-8-2017 16:37, boekenwuurm wrote:
> Janneke is right, after talking with a lot of people, I've started
> working on a new hackerspace in Eindhoven. The working name is L-space
> Eindhoven, and I want to invite everybody who is intrested to contact me
> (boekenwuurm at boekenwuurm.nl <mailto:boekenwuurm at boekenwuurm.nl>) to see
> what we can do together!
As one of the persons that set up the MADspace hackerspace in Eindhoven,
I'm surprised to only hear about this initiative now here on this list.
I know that MADspace is far from perfect; our biggest issue (in my
opinion) is our physical space: we don't have space that is fully ours,
but we're hosted by the MAD emergent art center. The main drawbacks of
this are that we hardly have space for equipment, no space for
participants to store their projects, and limited opening hours. (Of
course, the location also has several nice advantages, which makes
looking for something better not that urgent/important for most
MADspacers at this time).
Trying to see if we can work together to bring the hackerspace that we
already have in Eindhoven to the next level would seem a logical first
attempt to me, before attempting to build something from scratch.
MADspace exists as an independent foundation (stichting) already, and we
have group of people that donate regularly (we rely on donations --
participation itself is for free).
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