[sha2017-orga] Loading SHA deco stuff at Hack42: Please help

Moem moem at hack42.nl
Thu Jul 27 21:13:41 CEST 2017

Dear orga folks,

are any of you able to come help load up Deco stuff at Hack42, next
Saturday the 29th, at 10:00 in the morning?
We are getting two trucks from Logistics to fill full of transportable
awesome, in several different forms, but it won't hop aboard by itself.
So we need your help.

Coffee, tea and cake will be awaiting you!

Hack42 is at Koningsweg 31a in Arnhem, Netherlands, and if you did not
know that by now, that's yet another excellent reason to come and lend a

Please come and help us make this the best-looking hacker event so far!

Hack42: Ubi Posterum Fit Hodie

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