[sha2017-orga] More volunteer recruitment?

Mathijs Schmittmann info at mathijs.info
Thu Jul 27 22:35:38 CEST 2017

On 27-07-17 22:26, Walter van Holst wrote:
> On 27/07/2017 22:14, Camp wrote:
>> You can only register shifts in the angel system once you are marked arrived... So no wonder ppl. dont register for shifts yet.
>> (or do I miss something??
> Yes, the bit in Andreas' mail saying that he had expected a mail about
> registering as a *volunteer*, not registering for *shifts*.
> And it might be worth having several mails explaining that people have
> to get marked as arrived before being able to register for shifts.
> Because that workflow is deeply counter-intuitive for first-time volunteers.

It is explained in all the communication we do though, to also visit the
volunteerdesk and get marked as arrived. Also it is shown in a moving
red warning sign in the angelsystem after logging in while not being
'arrived'. I'm not sure how we can make this all more clear.

A volunteerdesk and on-site explanation + posters etc. is meant to make
this all more clear, to expect every visitor to be 100% aware of how
volunteering works before the buildup has even commenced is a bit crazy.
First-time volunteers will not pre-register at all, they will read about
volunteering in the booklet and/or hear about us on-site.

Unless people have concrete improvements we can work on, without
re-designing the angelsystem during buildup, let's focus on productive
things instead.

> Regards,
>  Walter
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