[sha2017-orga] CoC team assembly

thomascovenant thomascovenant at sha2017.org
Fri Jun 9 13:48:34 CEST 2017

Hey everyone,

any time with enough notice works for me.

damnlie and I also asked several people to help out during the event - they do not need to be included
in the CoC team meetings, but short action Guidelines could be helpful.

It would also be good to hear who on this list already has similar experience from previous events (I don't :- ).

Since this team is the most sensitive one after Sanity, will Sanity approve the team members?

Have a wonderful weekend!


P.S. Accidental reading of (old) Ubuntu CoC made quite an impression on a younger me many years ago,
as far as treating fellow humans go. Also check out this text by Graydon Hoare, I liked it a lot :-)

Friendly geek in Amsterdam
Head of Ticket and Entrance at SHA2017
On Friday, June 09, 2017 11:35 CEST, Melinda Kiss <melindakiss at kissmelinda.com> wrote: 
> Hi All,
> I thought now it would be nice to see who is still up for a challenge. I
> include here all the people who I know of  volunteered to be part of the
> CoC team. Also be marked we working closely  with team Security.
> Here is the list of people who wrote me about this or I asked to
> participate:
> BugBlue
> Janneke
> Sandra (Vreemt)
> Webmind
> Thomascovenant
> NIck
> Daan
> Please let me know if you volunteered but I lost your mail somewhere.> That's why I cc also PL and the list in general for now.
> Also I see netsmurf suggested a meeting next week, when and where would be
> the best time for you guys/girl? Also we can involve ppl. onll who can't be
> present. Suggestions?
> Regards/Happy Hacking!
> Melinda/damnlie

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