[sha2017-orga] Message for Team:Maps, errata for the map

Walter van Holst walter.van.holst at xs4all.nl
Mon Jun 26 19:32:13 CEST 2017

On 2017-06-24 10:10, Vincent de Bot wrote:
> I'm not too happy with changing the names of the big tents at this
> point.
> Team:Safety already has all kind of plans / procedures with the names
> (and maps of it) as they are right now in it.
> If we are going to change names can we please use names that have a
> different letter to start with so we can use the first letter of the
> tent to communicate of the radio, by using NATO alphabet, and please
> make these changes appear on maps a.s.a.p

So, you are unhappy with the change because of a name collission, but 
would prefer the old map name with five! name collissions instead?

That doesn't compute.

If you had expressed a wish to use the NATO alphabet for safety reasons 
a while ago we wouldn't have this conversation. Now we are having 
placeholder names that cannot possibly work with the way FRAB exports 
the schedule. And I regret us not having had the foresight to start 
thinking about names for stages in an earlier stage. Also, how do you 
think you are going to deal with the various village names in this 

Anyway, we can fix the single namespace collission by naming the first 
workshop tent e instead of pi. You will still have the same problem with 
village names. Which neither of us can solve.

So, last offer for Workshop tent 1 is e or pi, what shall it be?



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