[sha2017-orga] Message for Team:Maps, errata for the map
Juerd Waalboer
juerd at tnx.nl
Mon Jun 26 19:54:52 CEST 2017
Walter van Holst skribis 2017-06-26 19:32 (+0200):
> On 2017-06-24 10:10, Vincent de Bot wrote:
> >If we are going to change names can we please use names that have a
> >different letter to start with so we can use the first letter of the
> >tent to communicate of the radio, by using NATO alphabet, and please
> >make these changes appear on maps a.s.a.p
Troll or serious?
Nope, this can't possibly be serious. Consider that all the security
"stewards" get callsigns that begin with the same letter (C aka
Charlie), followed by a number. I'm quite sure that you can cope with
the situation of having names with similarities.
If your communication protocol can't distinguish between Pa and Pi, or
between NOC and POC, or between No as a name and No as a negative reply,
change the protocol, not the identifiers.
> Anyway, we can fix the single namespace collission by naming the first
> workshop tent e instead of pi. You will still have the same problem with
> village names. Which neither of us can solve.
> So, last offer for Workshop tent 1 is e or pi, what shall it be?
Please keep "pi" and "tau". I really like these names for the workshop
tents 1 and 2. Tau being 2 * pi makes it funny, and that would be lost
if pi was renamed to e. If you have to have "e" and "tau", then at least
get another tent "i", so that we can have Euler's identity (e * i * tau
= 1). I'll take for granted that perhaps the security team doesn't know
if India is i, infodesk, or India itself.
Met vriendelijke groet, // Kind regards, // Korajn salutojn,
Juerd Waalboer <juerd at tnx.nl>
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