[mch2021-orga] Please bring some extra lights

Elger Jonker elger.jonker at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 09:31:16 CEST 2020

Hi all,

If you have nice looking leds and or PARs, please bring some to illuminate
the tents from inside and out. It will also make the atmosphere of the
campsite more attractive at night :)

Elger / Stitch

Elger Jonker
Creator, Builder, Maker, Hacker.

+31 (0)6 1342 5622 (+31 61 dial mac)

http://www.sha2017.org - enormous international hacker gathering
http://www.awesomeretro.org - retro gaming foundation
http://www.awesomespace.nl - workplace of retrogaming awesomeness
http://www.elgerjonker.nl - curriculum vitae / weblog
https://www.hack42.nl - hackerspace arnhem
http://www.raveradio.nl - housemusic revival show
http://greenpoint.space - dutch 1992 greenpoint mobile network
http://twilight-cd.com - overview of classic bootleg software collection

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