[mch2021-orga] Field Day/Camping after mail

Elger Jonker elger at ifcat.org
Mon Aug 24 14:19:12 CEST 2020

Hi Orga,

Thank you for attending the field day. It was great to see you all again! :))

Sorry the timing + rain prevented a tour around the terrain. To solve the missing bits of info, a todo is added to create up to date drone footage, which helps with planning. If you can help, please let me know.

Some requests from the organizers: 
1: To evaluate if the precautions taken where up to par, or could be improved we request your input. You can send that to me directly.
2: If you _do_ notice covid symptoms in the next few days, or hear that you where infected before the meeting but no aware during: take care, get tested, and optionally inform me (in confidence, eg encrypted mail / phone / messages, see phone number below).

Slides are now up on the wiki page:

Photos are now up here:
Especially this: https://wiki.ifcat.org/images/5/5d/Social_distancing_1_%28cropped%29.jpeg

Kind Regards,
The organizing committee,
Stitch, Rizoom, Netsmurf
+31 6 1342 5622

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