[mch2021-orga] Orga Digest, Vol 20, Issue 18

Patrice Riemens patrice at xs4all.nl
Sat Aug 29 10:30:20 CEST 2020

Aloha All,

Both Vesna and Niels make excellent, very timely remarks. Niels':

"It is difficult to predict the situation with Corona in 12 months time. 
But if we wait until we are certain we’re too late to organise the 

reminds me something I just read in a French newspaper:

"It is often early to be able to determine that we are too late" ...

Cheers to all,and make success!

On 2020-08-27 12:00, orga-request at lists.mch2021.org wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 15:27:49 +0200 (CEST)
> From: Vesna Manojlovic <becha at xs4all.nl>
> To: orga at lists.mch2021.org
> Subject: Re: [mch2021-orga] Call for Participation open & ready to
> 	share!
> Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.2.21.2008261515050.31692 at xs9.xs4all.nl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; Format="flowed"
> Hi,
> thanks for all your efforts to organise the next event!
> it is my intention to be helpful, not critical,
> so I do hope you receive these suggestions in the positive spirit:
> 0. please do NOT assume "business as usual"!
> 1. please mention health & the protection from corona epidemic: how 
> will
> orga deal with the measures that will still be needed in august 2021
> (i saw from the comments that this was taken seriously during the 
> "field
> trip", but just by reading the CFP, i got the impression that this 
> event
> is planned to be on a planet different then this one...)
> 2. please clarify if "remote participation" will be available & how:
> - can people submit a video-talk?
> - will the audience be able to watch the straming? use chat to ask
> questions?
> - etc
> 3. please add some relevant & contemporary & critical topics, such as:
> sustainable & green technologies ; analysing open data to achieve 
> social
> justice ; using technical skills against opresive regimes / 
> corporations..
> and/or
> 4. provide info on how is the ORGA going to cut down our own
> event's carbon footprint (or are we just going to keep on using
> disel-powered generators like there's no tomorrow?) ...
> and again:
> thanks for all your efforts to organise the next event!
> it is my intention to be helpful, not critical,
> so I do hope you receive these suggestions in the positive spirit.
> Vesna
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 17:05:46 +0200
> From: Niels Hatzmann <niels at vm25.nl>
> To: Vesna Manojlovic <becha at xs4all.nl>
> Cc: orga at lists.mch2021.org
> Subject: Re: [mch2021-orga] Call for Participation open & ready to
> 	share!
> Message-ID: <0624D0AC-EAB9-4174-B910-6C6D89071E2F at vm25.nl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi Vesna (and everyone else),
> It’s nice to see you’re here as well and read the worries you have. I
> see it as an act of kindness, not criticism :-) I’m helping out with
> ’Team Safety’, who run the first aid tent, the security volunteers and
> fire brigade.
>> On 26 Aug 2020, at 15:27, Vesna Manojlovic <becha at xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> 1. please mention health & the protection from corona epidemic: how 
>> will orga deal with the measures that will still be needed in august 
>> 2021
>> (i saw from the comments that this was taken seriously during the 
>> "field trip", but just by reading the CFP, i got the impression that 
>> this event is planned to be on a planet different then this one...)
> - About Corona in general:
> No-one needs an infection party. The field day in Zeewolde was in a
> way ‘a testcase’ to see how those involved in the organisation deal
> with the measures. And all was fine, without any issue. Keeping
> distance, washing hands, masks, helping each other follow measures in
> the nicest way: I am still amazed what we as a group can do and hope
> to continue this @ MCH - when needed.
> It is difficult to predict the situation with Corona in 12 months
> time. But if we wait until we are certain we’re too late to organise
> the event. What we know for sure is the current situation. The
> ’noodverordening’ with the set of rules that apply to events is quite
> something but I am not too sceptical that we can comply to it, get our
> permit and create an event that is worth organising. We’re working on
> scenarios for worse (oops) and for better (unicorns!), and we will
> have a contingency plan to deal with the changes that are bound to
> happen.
> Also I am sure we will find cool ways to deal with hygiene, social
> distancing and real life routing :-)
> MCH will be different from the previous ones, but it will be cool and
> it will be an hacker congress that fits into the current situation.
> We’ll adapt.
> During the field day both Stitch and I have said a few words on
> Corona. The slides can be found here:
> https://wiki.mch2021.org/MCH2021_Orga_Meeting_20200822#Slides
>> 4. provide info on how is the ORGA going to cut down our own event's 
>> carbon footprint (or are we just going to keep on using disel-powered 
>> generators like there's no tomorrow?) ...
> For this we have such a cool project-in-the-making. Team Power is
> working to use the current infra that exists on the scouting terrain
> and hook it up to a medium voltage line that runs just across the
> street. This would allow us to buy the type of electricity of our
> choice and solve any issues with generators on the field (there might
> be one or two as backup for vital stuff, but most will stay at home).
> I look forward to seeing you at the event!
> all the best,
> Niels
> --
> Niels Hatzmann
> email: niels at vm25.nl
> voice - sms - signal: +31 (0)6 22937109

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