[mch2021-orga] sustainability in the camp

Ultratux techinc techinc at ultratux.org
Tue Jun 9 23:55:48 CEST 2020

On 09-06-2020 19:45, Maarten Hendrix wrote:
> Maybe it makes sense to check something like this http://green-battery.nl/

Or this looks nice too. A shipping container that unfolds in one hour to
a 150m2 solar field.


Some caveats though: First: This article is from 2016. The solar
capacity is -just- 23kWp. That is nothing when compared to our power
needs. To replace just one generator you'd need at least 10, possibly 40
of these units, to get an idea of the scale(!)

If we want to become sustainable, the answer cannot lie in only getting
green power. The answer must also include lowering our power demands
ourselves. That may mean no longer welcoming gaming rigs, mining rigs,
pizza ovens, cooking gear, and a lot of things that we now use.
But if we as a community are not willing, or able, to make such tough
choices we can't become 100% sustainable. No field of solar panels or
wind turbines can economically be built up and torn down for 5 days, the
math just doesn't work. :(

The right path is probably to try and scale up the altpwr idea and
designate a section of the camp where people generate green power
themselves. This could well incorporate one of these solar plants or
solar flowers. If that section of the camp just uses laptops etc, there
are good chances this could work.  Not just because they aren't
power-hungry, but they survive a cloud drifting past due to their batteries.

Year over year, this green section could grow larger and larger,
permitting technical and logistical advances.


> Kind regards
> Matje
> Sent with my iPhone
>> On Jun 9, 2020, at 19:37, Julius <julius at ifcat.org> wrote:
>> To be honest, sometimes I think we are a bit spoiled with 32A
>> electricity + 100Gb networks on our camp, not many camp as luxurious
>> as us. But storing energy? Well, can always pump water from the pool
>> and store it in a large container somewhere high?
>> On 9-6-2020 19:31, Claudia.Borges wrote:
>>> Would it be an idea to ask ppl in the camp to come up with ways to
>>> store power or is this too far tetched? 
>>> Julius schreef op 2020-06-09 18:55:
>>>> Hi Oscar,
>>>> The altpwr team had some solar panels on the field, however the
>>>> issue here is that when there is no sun, there is no power... And
>>>> especially with these powerhungry hackers they will drain the
>>>> batteries rather quickly. Also consider the environmental issues you
>>>> have when a battery starts leaking or gets left behind? Best
>>>> alternative would be mains power, less mess.
>>>> Julius
>>>> On 8-6-2020 20:59, Oscar Koeroo wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Are the power 'battery' packs with solar cells being looked at as options? These are quite large capacity units and have a zero emission output (on the field).
>>>>> Oscar Koeroo
>>>>>> On 8 Jun 2020, at 15:25, Elger Jonker <elger at ifcat.org
>>>>>> <mailto:elger at ifcat.org>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Claudia,
>>>>>> Great stuff!
>>>>>> Making a greener event is always a good thing and summary like this is really helpful. Note that from a PL perspective we'd opt all teams to consider green(er) options and see if those feasible given difficulty, budget, availability etc.
>>>>>> Not in the list:
>>>>>> The biggest pollutant, power generators, is being investigated by Benadski. There are serious (legal, organizationals) hurdles to take, but the goal is to use mains power instead.
>>>>>> Using electric golf carts instead of diesel gators.
>>>>>> I personally like the information bit.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Elger / Stitch
>>>>>>> On Jun 8, 2020, at 14:51, Claudia.Borges <claudia.borges at xs4all.nl <mailto:claudia.borges at xs4all.nl>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello sweethearts,
>>>>>>> I had started another project long ago, this one about making the camp sustainable.  I would like to share it to see if there is any interest. It is a list of sustainable ideas for the camp. Because it is not clear to me who and how decisions are made, I am not sure if I will pursue this any further or will put this wiki down.
>>>>>>> https://sha2021.eu/index.php/Main_Page
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Claudia
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