[mch2021-orga] sustainability in the camp (Ultratux techinc)

Patrice Riemens patrice at xs4all.nl
Thu Jun 11 17:48:29 CEST 2020

On 2020-06-11 11:54, cmpxchg wrote:
> Hi Patrice,
>> Maybe we should look even further (warning: brick to thrown in the
>> froggs' pond): Maybe the whole concept of big gathering like OHM SHA
>> MCH is simply no longer sustainable? May be we should seriously
>> reflect why we want to have such large gatherings
> 'The camp' is an event in which information is spread and exchanged in
> all directions, between many participants, experienced BOFHs and 
> ofcourse
> PFY [1].
> It is a great way of settling things and fixing stuff that might have
> gone wrong, and should not repeat itself. Just organizing the event
> itself and preparing for it has great benefits as well, you hit many
> obstacles that need to be resolved and many contacts that are 
> maintained.
> I don't think one should start thinking about temporarily or 
> permanently
> stopping organizing such 'large' events. The fears introduced last few
> months are temporary, just like the 'Spanish' Flu.
> I don't think 'sustainability' should be applied to those fears - 
> leverage
> the creativity and curiousity of the camp
> audience/participants/volunteers/angels instead.
> cmpxchg
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastard_Operator_From_Hell

Absolutely right - but remain the sustainability issue ...
But Cheers to all & make success! p+7D!

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