[mch2021-orga] Ticketpricing @ MCH2021

Attilla de Groot attilla at ifcat.org
Mon Nov 2 10:57:47 CET 2020

Hi All,

As you have been able to read in our blog around the Covid19 situation, we have the intention to start the ticket sales in December. As for every event, the ticket price and procedures have been a hot topic for discussion. To keep this as open as possible, we would like to get input from the orga (and other interested people) on the ticket pricing. This is also an agenda item on the orga meeting on Saturday, but we’re sure that this will be discussed on the mailinglist as well.

I have added three screenshots of the highlevel budget part with a different ticket pricing to show what this does to the income/expenses. The total expected expenses (including 20% unforeseen) are a bit over 1.2 million euros. This is based on the expenses from previous events with an expected increase and costs that we already know (e.g the terrain). Assuming we can organise the event due to Covid19, there will be additional costs due to the situation (e.g the insurance price is 2x).

Current thoughts with the ticket sales procedure is as follows:
- Start the sales with price x (and some additional supporter/bussiness tickets)
- Increase the price over time (e.g early bird is less than one 10 days for the event with increases on fixed dates)
- As usual have the possibility to make special arrangements for attendees that need help with this
- Have all possible “extra” things in the ticketshop on day 1.

The big question here is: “What should the ticket price be?”. As you can see from the screenshots, an avarage ticket price (e.g a child ticket will be cheaper) of 290 euro with 3200 visitors is needed to be barely cashflow positive, but this will leave very little room for unforeseen costs. Given the board of IFCAT is personally liable for this, we need to come up with a ticket price higher than this. 

The other screenshots show a options with a higher price up until pretty much 0 risk (there is always a risk when organizing an event like this). Obviously we like having no risk at all, but we need to find a balance between 0 and “going broke”. We hope that the community can give their opinion on this topic. Feel free to respond on the mailinglist or during the Orga mumble on Saturday. 

Thanks in advance!

Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,
Attilla de Groot | +31 6 45788080
Treasurer IFCAT | Project lead MCH2021

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