[mch2021-orga] Minutes orga mumble 25 november (ticket sale starts 20th December)

Elger Jonker elger at ifcat.org
Fri Nov 27 11:32:35 CET 2020

Hi all,

Located here: https://wiki.mch2021.org/Bi-Weekly_Orga_Meeting-2020-11-25#Minutes
Next meeting: https://wiki.mch2021.org/Bi-Weekly_Orga_Meeting-2020-12-09

=== Ticket sales ===

Ticket sales will start around the 20th of December. We'll be announcing that in a blogpost hopefully this week.

=== Design ===

Working hard on finalizing the concept. 
It will be a generative design.
We found link to may contain hackers. Depending on the input the design may or may not contain a hacker.

=== RC3 ===
Tickets here: https://tickets.events.ccc.de/RC3/

=== Terrain ===

E-mails have been sent out to request input for terrain layout: what requirements they have.
(should things be next to something etc). Once people have responded there will be a brainstorm meeting.

The warehouse is being built. Both aventurenhuis and storage should be completed and present before the event.
New terrain map: https://scoutinglandgoed.nl/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/SLZ_kaartA3_2020-2.pdf

=== NOC ===

We're testing a new topology and looking at what policies we're going to have.

Meeting closed 20:20


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