[mch2021-orga] Minutes biweekly orga meet 6 october 2021

Elger Jonker elger at ifcat.org
Wed Oct 6 20:34:23 CEST 2021

Hi orga,

The minutes from the jitsi are on the wiki, here:

A copy of the minutes is also attached below.

Elger / Stitch

== Minutes ==

BiWeekly Jitsi - October 6th 2021

Present: Stitch Sebastius Halcyon Martin Hugh Pollyfloyd Moem Oliver Xesxen Rizoom Jos Hoxolotl Renze AK coco Anus Kintaro Mr. Seeker Walter Lumi

=== Updates ifcat ===
* MrSeeker will be leaving the foundation, can not find the time with a newborn. Secretary. Deadline vacancy December 1st.
* Board meeting next week for a preliminary budget (based on previous event)

=== Updates PL ===
* Request: please start creating budgets, team:finance has sent a template in the mail
* Business cards have been received. If you want a stack send stitch an e-mail with your address. stitch at ifcat.org

* Word was received CCC Congress will not happen physically (https://events.ccc.de/)
* Ticket Sale: Planning and work was distributed. Goal: 1st week of December.
* Many vacancies for teams have been updated. If you know people that want to take up some tasks or teams please introduce them at the jitsi or another moment. There are ±14 teams that are looking for people.  https://wiki.mch2022.org/Vacancies . If you need help introducing somesone, connect them to team Volunteers (SynQ, Sebastius)
** Empty teams are: waste, shuttle(tbd), fire, promo, heralds

== Updates Team: ==
    - meeting Finance tomorrow
    - needs access to ticket system from Team:Sysadmin

    - if you need help getting new people to join as volunteers, ask SynQ or Sebastius

    - had reboot meeting last weekend, conclusion: we still want to continue with the project
    - will prepare budget for Team:Finance

    - fixed wiki for better overview
    - drafting things that will be considered to build
    - building will start when $$ is available

    - CFP was published
    - busy filing for grants
    - next grant application is due October 13th, Coco from PL is helping provide needed budget overview

    - talks w/ Eurofiber picked up again. Failed last time, but hopefully marketing team has budget for '22 to fully sponsor or at least give discount for fiber NIKHEF <-> Zeewolde
    - commercial quote was ~€27k (previous event was ~€9k)
    - might ask KPN Event if they can provide anything
    - not many more competitors in the region

== Updates ifcat ==
* MrSeeker will be leaving the foundation, can not find the time with a newborn. Secretary. Deadline vacancy December 1st.
* Board meeting next week for a preliminary budget (based on previous event)

=== Updates PL ===
* Request: please start creating budgets, team:finance has sent a template in the mail
* Business cards have been received. If you want a stack send stitch an e-mail with your address. stitch at ifcat.org

* Word was received CCC Congress will not happen physically (https://events.ccc.de/)
* Ticket Sale: Planning and work was distributed. Goal: 1st week of December.
* Many vacancies for teams have been updated. If you know people that want to take up some tasks or teams please introduce them at the jitsi or another moment. There are ±14 teams that are looking for people.  https://wiki.mch2022.org/Vacancies . If you need help introducing somesone, connect them to team Volunteers (SynQ, Sebastius)
** Empty teams are: waste, shuttle(tbd), fire, promo, heralds

=== Updates Team: ===
    - meeting Finance tomorrow
    - needs access to ticket system from Team:Sysadmin

    - if you need help getting new people to join as volunteers, ask SynQ or Sebastius

    - had reboot meeting last weekend, conclusion: we still want to continue with the project
    - will prepare budget for Team:Finance

    - fixed wiki for better overview
    - drafting things that will be considered to build
    - building will start when $$ is available

    - CFP was published
    - busy filing for grants
    - next grant application is due October 13th, Coco from PL is helping provide needed budget overview

    - talks w/ Eurofiber picked up again. Failed last time, but hopefully marketing team has budget for '22 to fully sponsor or at least give discount for fiber NIKHEF <-> Zeewolde
    - commercial quote was ~€27k (previous event was ~€9k)
    - might ask KPN Event if they can provide anything
    - not many more competitors in the region

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