[mch2021-orga] Minutes bi weekly orga jitsi of 20th of October 2021 :)
Elger Jonker
elger at ifcat.org
Wed Oct 20 20:43:06 CEST 2021
Hi All,
The minutes are now on the wiki, here:
Also included here in writing:
=== Updates PL ===
* Coco is leaving the organization to take some rest, the foundation is looking for a new treasurer, vacancy will be published soon(tm). The projectleiding continues organizing as the board is following their suit.
* Meeting is coming with Nawaka for handing over infra / renting together
* Flyers + stickers will be included in box, will be ordered friday and sent out next week
* Todo: Contour cut sticker supply has been found, also add copies of the CFP into the goodie box.
* Village tents: different from other years we could just reserve 50 small tents, it's so busy that a lot of vendors are not taking reservations. We probably need to take a calculated risk.
=== Updates Team Content ===
Applied for a subsidy grant. It will give a budget for speaker reimbursements, travel and lodging.
Bert left, Coco is leaving the team. We're thinking about getting additional people in the team.
The CFP has not yet resulted into an onslaught on new submissions.
We will have to think about getting the word out.
If you know fora, mailing lists etc: spam it!
=== Møbelhou5 ==
Is there a possibilities to combine shops from 3 shops to fewer?
-> response: moebelhaus shop will be village tents + furniture, the other shop contains tickets + merch + kartents + sleeping stuff
The moebelhaus shop can be opened later.
Request: consider how much your team needs in terms of furniture and make it known to Moebelhaus.
Update Halcyon: on 1st of November there will be contact with Boels again because they are swamped with current events that are happening
Action: Halcyon will share preliminary prices with Lumi
Orders in the moebelhaus webshop are only for villages. If you want
just a few things, arrange this with a close village.
=== Deco ===
Working out the budget, looking feasable.
Waiting for replies of 3 people.
Will contact steven.
=== Badge team ===
The badge project is riskier because of the global chip shortage, even if you have the money for it.
One of the ideas to mitigate risk is the option to "not get a badge" (opt out)
or alternatively and pay a bit extra for the badge for funding. The goal is
the order components earlier. Another idea is to have a 'if event cancelled
still get a badge': but there is also a risk that the badge project fails.
So we're navigating that.
They are looking for feedback about above price structure.
Elger / Stitch
> On Oct 20, 2021, at 15:09, Janneke/Rizoom via Orga <orga at lists.mch2021.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The jitsi is at 20:00 here: https://meet.social.mch2022.org/biweekly
> More info:
> https://wiki.mch2022.org/Bi-Weekly_Orga_Jitsi-2021-10-20
> Hope to see you there,
> Janneke/Rizoom
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