[mch2022-orga] Orga jitsi tonight at 20:00
Elger Jonker
elger at ifcat.org
Wed Apr 6 20:32:57 CEST 2022
Hi all,
Here are the minutes, and also included below:
== Minutes ==
People in meeting: 22
=== [[Team:Projectleiding]] ===
* Promo materials have been ordered, designs are being worked on and sent in tomorrow
* After this meeting only 10 more meetings to go.
* MCH Payment system has been introduced on April 1st
** Promotional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bNlg-PhAhU
** Logos etc: https://wiki.mch2022.org/MCH_Payment_System
* Reminder: Extra pysical orga meeting (16 April 2022 @ Bitlair from 14:30)
** Sign up: https://wiki.mch2022.org/MCH_Orgameet_April_2022
* Drone flying rules/guide has been set up, todo: sanity check with a drone flyer
* MCH has been granted a subsidy for speakers at MCH of 24.500 of Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie (Creative Industry Fund NL)
* Speakup donated a range of 10k telephone numbers
* Permit: A lot of response on the last call
=== [[Team:Sponsoring]] ===
* Zerocopter joined as Silver sponsor
* Deloitte signing for Platinum
=== [[Team:Boels/On-site Logistics]] ===
Boels orders are being finalized. To late to change thing now :).
Will asign site carriers soon.
=== [[Team:Content]] ===
* Subsidy for Content has been granted!
* Sunday first meeting dedicated to accepting submissions
* After confirmation of the submitter we will start with blog posts about the talks/workshops
=== [[Team:ROC]] ===
Radio quote is being created. Battery-shortage issue has been solved.
=== [[Team:Terrain]] ===
Terrain planning seems to have no complications.
Working on making all things for the permit
=== [[Team:Badge]] ===
Prototype 4 has been ordered
Most components for mass production will be ordered any moment
Will make at least 3500 badges, and will spend any leftover money on making more
Software in progress, hatchery (app store) is being dusted off
Emulator is being worked on
=== [[Team:Deco]] ===
Lamp preview: https://twitter.com/polyfloyd/status/1510710388232536074
Elger / Stitch
> On Apr 6, 2022, at 09:15, Elger / Stitch via Orga <orga at lists.mch2022.org> wrote:
> Hi Orga,
> Tonight there will be another orga Jitsi at 20:00 at the usual location in the usual dimension: https://meet.social.mch2022.org/biweekly
> You're welcome to join! :)
> More information on the wiki page:
> https://wiki.mch2022.org/Bi-Weekly_Orga_Jitsi-2022-04-06
> Regards,
> Elger / Stitch
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