[mch2022-orga] Promotion sweatshop after orga meet

Elger Jonker elger at ifcat.org
Fri Apr 8 15:49:01 CEST 2022

Hi all,

If you can't be present during the orga meet, but can be later on the day: we need you! You're welcome to join Bitlair on the 16th! 

MCH didn't have too much opportunity to promote itself, so there is a bit of catching up to do. We'll be receiving a ton of promotion materials that needs to be shipped in the next weeks. We'll be making pre-designed promotion packages and envelopes to be shipped to hacker spaces and related organizations. The addressee list also needs a refresh, to add new ones and see if everything still exists and on what location. We're making about 200 packages and a few hundred envelopes, so pretty manageable :)

If you want to join specifically for this, let me know. Or sign up on the wiki:

Elger / Stitch

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