[mch2021-orga] Minutes orga meeting 9 February 2022
Elger / Stitch
stitch at ifcat.org
Wed Feb 9 20:42:29 CET 2022
Hi all,
Minutes are online here, and inline below.
Elger / Stitch
== Minutes ==
Present: 22 people
=== Projectleiding ===
* Sanitair betaald
* Scouting contract has been updated to include the front end parking
* There is a first draft map, will be overhauled again tomorrow because we can(tm)
* Stairs over the dike are an option (RWS), will add some work for layher crew
* No avonturenhuis, not cost effective.
* Rijkswaterstaat allows stairs on the DIKE, we can actually build stuff. Planning next steps!
* Another sponsor signed: Computest. More sponsors coming in. Awesomeness ensues!
* Portocabin contract signed
* Hotel rooms are reserved again
=== Productiehuis ===
- RFP is go!
Feedback from party area: Max party area is 500 people
==== Volunteers ====
* Met with German angelsystem developer team and got the system explained. They will possibly also join team volunteers getting some much needed experience and extra members on the team!
* Began a document with policy stuff for volunteers to keep them safe and sane. Things like 'work hours' during buildup.
* There's contact with Mecklenburger (TODO: Check name?)
Begin thinking about angel types please!
Please think about making blog posts on what your team is doing.
==== Merch ====
Update from Sebastius: found someone willing and able for designing merchy things. Sketches soon(tm).
==== Badge ====
- Lattice confirmed we'll get FPGAs >>FoR fReE<<
Shop for villages can be opened on Friday 11.02.
The shop is open until the 22nd of April. (first run)
====On-site Logistics====
Nothing really new. In close contact with Boels for a new updated quote. Adding some stuff for Moebelhaus.
If a teams needs something from Boels, let me know quickly.
Some cool logistics challenges to solve are already comming in too :). Let me now if you have some too. Will try to hack a very agile planning.
- armadillo/LL style hangout area, stage will not be that big.
- minecraft style
- maybe use containters for bars/food for handy stocking, and for "hiding" tech
- Michiel will detail the area in autocad and will ask for certification of the build.
- we need help from the following teams: bar, food, security (mainly late hours so peope don't do stupid stuff)
- question: who programms our stage? Where is the boundary of what is expected from team party-tent.
==== Team Content ====
Two new team members.
CfP is extended until the 1st of March: https://cfp.mch2022.org
If you have a suggestion for a potential speaker approach the speaker yourself or give us a hint: content at lists.ifcat.org
We are talking to and are approaching more potential speakers.
New blog post in the works
=== Volunteers needs to add one bit i forgot ===
* Start thinking about angel types: what types of shifts for your team? Most jobs you want are generic angel jobs.
* Be clear if training is needed, what training etc. Add this to the volunteering wiki page.
All teams should start writing small or large blog posts (see content on this page).
Might also attract people to your team.
=== Close off ===
1114 tickets sold. A little bit behind SHA2017, so given the current situation this is absolutely very good.
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