[mch2022-orga] COVID-19 policy and request to wear masks in public tents

MCH2022 Cohesion cohesion at mch2022.org
Tue Jul 12 19:00:58 CEST 2022

Dear Orga,

we are nearing the event! Many people are already hard at work at the 

While organising we have always kept visitor and orga safety in our 
minds. We want the event to be safe given the current context and have 
planned accordingly. You can read all about our COVID-19 policy here: 
https://wiki.mch2022.org/Covid .

We wanted to let you know we will request that people wear a mask in 
public tents (all orga tents, track tents, workshop tents and other 
public tents). And we highly recommend people take this request with 
them to their village tents.

In the track tents and workshop tents we will also (partially) open up 
the sides of the tents where possible to enhance ventilation, and 
measure CO2 levels to keep an eye on how healthy the environment is.

As Projectleiding, we will all wear a mask when in tents, and if we 
forget, please remind us! We hope you will do the same. As orga we have 
a special role, we are an example to the visitors at the event (even 
more so if they are also Angels).

We will have some masks available, but if you can, please bring your own!

See you all soon!


Team: Projectleiding

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