[mch2022-orga] COVID-19 policy and request to wear masks in public tents

Walter van Holst walter.van.holst at xs4all.nl
Tue Jul 12 21:05:12 CEST 2022

On 12-07-2022 19:00, MCH2022 Cohesion via Orga wrote:
> Dear Orga,
> we are nearing the event! Many people are already hard at work at the 
> terrain.
> While organising we have always kept visitor and orga safety in our 
> minds. We want the event to be safe given the current context and have 
> planned accordingly. You can read all about our COVID-19 policy here: 
> https://wiki.mch2022.org/Covid .

While I am glad this is being clarified, and in a mostly good way, what 
about the shuttle vans? Those will be packed with people, wearing a mask 
is quite logical there...



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