[mch2022-orga] quiet field - quietness & signage ?

Sven Neuhaus sven-mch2021 at sven.de
Mon Jul 18 09:18:14 CEST 2022

Am 18.07.22 um 09:08 schrieb Cyryl Płotnicki via Orga:
> I wanted to ask if there might be some sort of signage on the entrances 
> to the quiet field signifying the quietness being asked for ?
> I might try to bring some signs if folks would think this is a good 
> idea, but I arrive quite late this year; would it be something for Deco 
> to be able to provide as well ?

These sign(s) should be illuminated because otherwise they can't be seen 
at night when they are most important.


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