[mch2022-orga] quiet field - quietness & signage ?

Janneke/Rizoom janneke at mch2022.org
Mon Jul 18 21:46:00 CEST 2022

Hi cyryl,

I have added a request for extra signage for the quiet camping for the Deco team. We can’t give any guarantees if they will be made, but Deco will try.

Illumination per signs is going to be harder, but there is light on the route to the field where we would put the signs.

The quiet field will not always be quiet as in totally silent all day, but it is the quietest field on the terrain. I am sleeping there now during buildup, and have brought ear plugs to block some noise coming from scouts that are on the neighbouring field (we share the terrain this year).  And if the wind is in an unlucky direction, the highway is audible in the distance.
The music stage is directed away from all camping fields, but It remains to be seen how noisy that will be.
Hopefully that information helps you prepare.

The closest event tent is the silent lounge, but that will be… silent. :)


> On 18 Jul 2022, at 09:08, Cyryl Płotnicki via Orga <orga at lists.mch2022.org> wrote:
> Hi ! 
> Thanks for making an awesome event like this happen everyone ! 
> I got a question about the quiet field (Wilson).
> We have some medical needs for a lot of good sleep, so will try to optimise for that.
> 5 years ago the quiet field was not necessarily the quietest, mostly because of 2 reasons - bass from the music stage and also folks that did not know the field was supposed to be the quiet one.
> For this year I've seen that the closest stage, battery, is gonna become silent during the night - awesome idea ! :) 
> I wanted to ask if there might be some sort of signage on the entrances to the quiet field signifying the quietness being asked for ? 
> I might try to bring some signs if folks would think this is a good idea, but I arrive quite late this year; would it be something for Deco to be able to provide as well ?
> thanks again and happy build !
> -- 
> cyryl
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