[mch2022-orga] Short question about certificates

mAcfreAk macfreak109 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 08:43:51 CEST 2022

Dear orga (hi all),

Would it be possible to get an “official” certificate of presence/participation to MCH signed by one of the Orga for the duration of camp?
This would help us a lot to get easier access to freetime.

On this paper, there should be a sentence like “We hereby officially confirm that *Name here* participated in the MCH conference from July 22 to July 26, 2022” plus an official signature, if possible, a PDF with the official letterhead.

Thanks in advance for your help; I can send you the details about the names (privately) we would need on those certificates.


mAcfreAk - as the name says

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