[mch2022-orga] Communications channels

Walter van Holst walter.van.holst at xs4all.nl
Sun Jun 19 17:55:05 CEST 2022

Hi fellow ORGA members,

TL;DR: telling someone from some team something in an IRC query is not 
the same thing as telling that team the thing. Use mail whenever possible.

We're at the stage in which things accelerate (as they should). It also 
means that things are becoming more time critical, as in, that if you 
request a team to do something we no longer can afford to have it left 
waiting for weeks. Which is an incredible pain to find out afterwards, 
e.g. when someone has COVID etc.

So, all in all: be aware that if you choose to directly message anyone 
in any team (via IRC queries, Signal etc) you may elevate the risk of 
this happening.

The obvious solution is that to consider for anything that does not 
require immediate, real-time, action, to use mail to team mailing lists. 
Because then other team members can step in. Zammad trouble tickets 
(support.mch2022.org) are obviously also fine.



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