[mch2022-orga] Proposal re Buildup: work-hours/structure

Sebastian Oort bas at mch2022.org
Sun Jun 19 21:53:24 CEST 2022

Hi teams,

After a chat with both Team Warehouse and Terrain yesterday at the meeting, I decided to write down the rough structure we came up with for buildup days to keep everybody healthy and ‘in the loop’.

Note that below is a proposal, not law. Also note that I’m not a native English speaker. 

==Motives behind this proposal==
Last time we stretched the people of mainly team Warehouse, but also First-Aid (and probably other teams) to their limits because of the working hours starting at 0700 and continuing on close to midnight. We simply do not have the amount of hands on those teams to make that work. 

==Beginning of the buildup day==
Every day at breakfast we’ll do a quick briefing, distribution of volunteer workforce to tasks, health/safety reminders. For those at SHA2017, it will be roughly like last time but with volunteer management helping out in the planning. Expect huge whiteboards, magnets, markers etc.

==Resupply on the field==
Team volunteers intends to do regular resupply runs of sunscreen, water and snacks on the field to keep everyone alive and happy.

==Dinner time==
We’ll eat and relax.

After dinner team-leads/representatives meet for planning the next day, crews return the last of the tools to warehouse, clean up the site and chill out near a campfire or something. Laughter and light dancing is suggested but not mandatory. 

And after dinner time, buildup is limited to emergencies only. We all need the rest to build another day. So that means warehouse/onsite logistics might have no/lower availability. So if you or your team REALLY want to keep going, you can, Just please don’t expect other teams to follow suit.

Yes, of course we’ll all jump into action in case of emergency or running late on the buildup schedule, Just be very sure that it’s actually necessary and we’ll be happy to help.

So, what do you think?


Sebastius / Bas

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