[mch2022-orga] Kids Angel Shifts

pikachu at lumos.city pikachu at lumos.city
Mon Jun 20 13:49:02 CEST 2022

Hey you all,

as Team Family we would love to involve kids in the event as much as 
possible. We came to the conclusion that it would be awesome, for the 
kids to get into the spirit of the camp and our community by helping as 
Volunteers as well. Therefore, we are reaching out to you. If you have 
ideas towards volunteer shifts for kids in your Team or in general, 
please let us know via IRC (@funpikachu and @sim) or via the family 
channel or mailing list. The age range of kid angels would be from 6 to 
16. We understand that this is a rather large gap and we would help you 
with determining the age-range appropriate to your shift. Lets make this 
event awesome and allow everyone to help out!

Kind regards,

Pikachu (funpikachu) / Team Family

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