[mch2022-orga] Children during buildup

Ruud Koolen redlizard at redlizard.nl
Thu Jun 30 22:56:36 CEST 2022

On Thursday 30 June 2022 22:29:23 Ralph Willekes wrote:
> Hi!
> During buildup a generator needs to be placed at the south point of
> Snowden, so it won't be a place where it's always 100% safe for kids.
> But we will be extra careful when we put the genset there.
> benadski

That is fine, we can do small numbers of deliveries with an escort that makes 
sure people stay away from the big machines. Likewise there will inevitably 
be occasional heavy movements during the event proper, which will also use 
escorts. It's the bulk manitou work that's the real hazard.

-- Ruud

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